Monday, August 6, 2012

Breaking in the New [Tern] Lens by Ingrid Taylar yields a resighting of a marked Caspian Tern Her blog post has some exceptional photos of Caspian Terns and I am especially impressed with the large salmonid
and the angle of this tern in an early dive

1 comment:

Ingrid T said...

Hi, David ... thanks very much for posting these. It's a pure pleasure to photograph the Caspian Terns here. We (a tiny "citizen naturalist" formation) have been observing and sporadically documenting the Seattle/Interbay terns from early last year, when their numbers increased significantly in this neighborhood. The terns have been trying to nest on a couple of warehouse roofs in this area, and it appears that they've been largely unsuccessful, although I photographed quite a few eggs back in May.

I don't know what type of predation occurred, in addition to the Bald Eagle interactions I've seen multiple times per day. I live above the nesting site and heard regular disruptions of the colony during the night, after the eggs were laid. If you have any insight on the viability of a nesting group in this type of area, I'd love to learn anything that might be helpful. We're obviously just piecing together a "story," as it were, from our visual and photographic observations.

(btw, I have quite a few captures of CATES with large fish in the bills. I'm not savvy enough with my fish IDs to know if all were salmonids.)